A to Z Challenge

Sunday, April 8, 2012

G is for........

........Geez.....I failed to post a G topic on Saturday.  Guess I was to busy dancing @ the Oklahoma Dance Festival.  Congratulations to my student Paul S who danced really well, winning Gold in Nite Club 2-step, West Coast Swing & 2-step & Gold w/Honors in Waltz!!  (The UCWDC uses a medal system in pro-am competitions so that students are judged against a standard of quality at their age/ability level rather than being judged against each other).  "Gold" is the mark of acceptable execution of the dance.  "Gold w/Honors" means that the execution is beyond expectations!  Paul's Gold w/Honors is particularly special since this was the first time he danced Waltz in competition & it was the first time he received a Gold w/Honors in any dance!!  Congratulations Paul....I am very proud of you!

Dance of the Day- nope.....couldn't think of one that started with G.  Guess I have to take a day off from dancing occasionally!


  1. Of course you have to take a day off from dancing once in a while... otherwise, can you imagine your bunions?

  2. Hi...I'm hopping over from the A to Z challenge. Lovely post...good luck with the challenge.

    Donna L Martin

  3. Cool on the dancing. I admire your talent at it, because I have none. Great meeting you.

  4. I guess a dance festival is a pretty acceptable reason for not posting. :) Glad to hear your students did well!
    Fellow A-Zer: http://libbyheily.blogspot.com/
