It seems so odd to me that so many social dancers seem to think that technique is a dirty four letter word. At first I thought it was just that dancers can’t spell (or count for that matter)! But no….that’s not it because I know some brilliant people who also dance (and thus should at least be able to count to 8…although t-e-c-h-n-i-q-u-e has 9 letters in it.)
So why don’t more social dancers find learning the skills
and technique necessary to dance lead and/or follow well and to execute
movements comfortably and with ease a fun, challenging journey? Why do I hear so often: “I just want to learn the pattern, all those
fancy techniques are for competitors” or “I don’t need to take lessons…as long
as he can lead, I can follow”? Why is
there such a stigma about learning the basic skills?
When I started dancing I noticed that for the most part
patterns were taught in group classes and technique was only taught in private
lessons, and that private lessons were more expensive thus maybe technique was
somehow being reserved for the well off and elite dancers. Occasionally I would find a brave instructor
who would teach technique in a group class.
One very forward thinking west coast swing instructor not only taught
technique in her beginning class, but made mastering the material taught in
that class a pre-requisite to graduating to her more advanced classes! Her beginning class so popular there was a
waiting list to get in. Yet other
teachers would tell me that they couldn’t teach technique because students didn’t
want to learn it and they couldn’t fill a class that taught anything other than
patterns. Huh?
I think that I am starting to believe that most social
dancers don’t find technique important because most teachers fail to make it
important in their classes…technique classes aren’t widely available so
students aren’t exposed to technique, so they find the concept of learning
technique scary and secondary in importance to learning patterns.
So why don’t teachers teach technique? Perhaps because it is much, much more difficult
that teaching patterns! Nearly anyone
can learn a pattern from a video, teach it back to a group of dancers and call
themselves a dance teacher. It takes a
very skilled instructor who has actually mastered the skill they are teaching
to actually be able to teach techniques effectively, especially in a group
class where everyone is learning at a different rate. Maybe if more instructors gained more mastery
in their craft and offered quality technique classes, learning technique would
become more important to students…after all, with good technique, patterns are
easy and dancing is comfortable and fun.
A beautiful, flowing, romantic, progressive partner dance
that is danced almost exclusively in the competitive country western dance community. Triple 2-step was derived from the popular
club dance the Ft. Worth Shuffle. It is
danced to slow (88-100 bpm) country ballads with a “rolling” feeling. The timing of the dance is quick-quick-triple,
step-triple-step and the dance is characterized by looping and lacing actions
that curve and sway as the dance couple moves around the floor. Maybe if more instructors would teach
technique, more dancers would learn to love triple 2-step because it is not an
easy dance, however beautiful and rewarding.
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